Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

61 | What are you tolerating in your self talk?

This episode is about becoming aware of how you talk to yourself on the small scale, to be able to catch and then change those stories, knowing that this will also be the way you talk to yourself about the big stuff too.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

57 | What are you ready to let go of?

Autumn is in the air. Autumn is a time for directing our energy inwards and contemplating what needs to be shed. We see it in the trees all around us as they let go of their leaves.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

50 | Living your own story, with Siobhan Strode

This week is another fabulous guest interview with the amazingly energetic Word Witch Siobhan Strode. We cover all sorts on this episode all centred around the importance of sharing and living our own stories, especially as females.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

48 | Activating the happiness within, with Cat Googe

This week is another fantastic guest interview to share, with Cat Googe, The Happiness Activation Coach. Cat’s energy shines through in everything she does and this conversation is no different. Turns out Cat and I have so many shared passions that we really had to force ourselves to stop chatting!

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

47 | An invitation....

This week I have a super exciting invitation to share with you for a brand new 3 day coaching series, Reclaim Your Spark. It takes place from 19th - 21st Oct and is for you if you are ready to take ownership of your desire for more.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

46 | Finding your own unique balance, with Anna Iveson

This week I have another amazing guest interview, this time with Ana Iveson, Freelance Copywriter and mum of three. Ana has a really varied and interesting story, having tested out lots of different combinations of work integrated with home-life to find the blend that best suits her and her family.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

45 | Stop being so hard on yourself

This episode is all about this negative thought patterns that we get into when we feel like we've messed up in some way - when we make a mistake, or things don't go to plan.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

43 | Why we need to stay busy

I am starting to see that my own relationship with busyness is almost like an addiction! Making big long To-Do lists that I know I'm never going to finish acts to invalidate all of the things that I have been spending my time on, and also fuels the 'catch up' mode that isn't very kind to myself either.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

42 | Finding Your Best Life in Midlife, with Joshua Peck

Josh shares a very relatable story for many other high achieving parents. He spent a long time getting established in two parallel careers, settling down with his partner, buying a house and creating a lifestyle that looked successful on paper. But yet, he constantly felt short of time and guilty.

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