without compromising your values

If you want to build a business that makes a difference, but are also wondering where your next client is coming from, while trying to make sense of the state of the world,

I have something for you.

In my own rebellious act against capitalism and a system that profits by extracting from others

over the next six months I am offering 100 free 1:1 coaching sessions.

Each session is one hour long and offered for an investment of your time, energy and attention - free from monetary cost.

I wonder if this is you?

Over the course of this last year my worldview has shifted irreversibly. 

If you’re here, I’m guessing yours has too.

As a business owner, you are more compelled than ever to take action in contributing to a positive change in your corner of the world.

You have a fire in your belly.

Ignited by both purpose and rage. 

You know that you no longer want to contribute to the extractive nature of mainstream marketing. 

As someone with a deep desire to do work that creates positive change, you want the way you market and sell to reflect that.

The problem is, you don’t know how.

Is a Gift Session for you?

If you are a coach, consultant or wellness practitioner looking for support with one of the following areas then I’d love to hear from you.


Building a business can easily become an overwhelming process. There are endless free training courses, online communities, podcasts and books that all tell you something slightly different. Your head is left whizzing and body whirring while you contemplate all the possible routes you could go down. You’d love to narrow all those possibilities down to just one thing that you can start taking action on right away.


Whether it’s old friends asking what you’re up to these days, or settling on the words of your Instagram bio, you find yourself tongue tied and wondering what it is that you do in fact do. You struggle to sum up what your business is all about and have sunken many hours into trying. It feels like a hurdle that you need to get over before you’re really able to start getting your stuff out there.


You have a real sense of purpose behind your business and know that you have the skills and passion to make a difference to the lives of others. You’re just not sure exactly who your ideal client is, where you can find them and what to say to them when you do. You’d love to get more clarity as well as some practical actions that you can take to start having more conversations with the people you want to help.


You have a skillset, or skillsets, that you want to offer to the world, but you’ve struggled to package them up into an offer you feel good about and a price that supports your goals. You’ve been back to the drawing board several times over and each time you feel your confidence dropping that little bit more. It’s left you second guessing, over thinking and procrastinating on selling anything. You’d love to get back to that feel good factor and an offer that you fully believe in.

Hi! I’m Debbie

I’m an entrepreneur by nature and an Earth Scientist by training. Combined with 15 years experience working for large global corporations to small, single person companies, I have learnt the value of building firm foundations to a business that is truly aligned with your values and expresses your integrity.

I see business as a modality for self exploration, creative expression and community building. With this, my approach combines practical, tangible business strategy with somatic practices that support your nervous system in gently stepping outside of your comfort zone in order to take action on the things that are important to you.

  • Over this last year my worldview has changed irreversibly.

    Where previously I considered my work as a coach to be bringing forth a solution to a way of doing business that was very obviously broken, I now realise that it isn’t broken at all, and instead operating exactly as intended. Extracting from many for the gain of few.

    My journey into coaching was prompted after seeing other Mothers experience the same overwhelm and juggling that I then came to know as a new mum with young kids and ambitions for a successful and meaningful career.

    I was compelled to make a contribution to closing The Gender Pay Gap, by giving women an alternative to the high intensity, fast paced culture of the corporate world. Only to find that the corner of the online business that I found myself in, was dominated by a very similar high intensity, fast paced “bigger, better, stronger” narrative that I thought I was moving away from.

    Like pulling a thread, this led to an unravelling that opened my eyes to much of the inequality, injustice and extractive approach that lies at the heart of many of our systems, knowing that my own experience in a place of privilege barely begins to scratch the surface.

    I have come to realise that my contribution to making a difference in the world of business is tiny in the grand scheme of things. But I also believe in the immense power of community and a collective of like minded people who can work together to ignite a much more impactful movement of change. 

    One tangible thing that I know I can do well is hold space for other women and business owners leading a change in through their work.

    The more conscious business owners we have doing their thing in the world, the more traction gained. 

    Maybe it will be the springboard that you need to keep going during challenging times.

    This is a heartfelt gift from me to you. It is my own rebellious act against capitalism and way of using my business as a form of activism.

    If you think that one of these sessions would be of benefit to you and your business then I'd love to hear from you.

A regenerative business is one that gives back more to society and the planet than it takes from it.

Build a business based on genuine relationships, sell in a way that respects both you and your customers and feel energised in making a positive contribution to the future.

Apply for a Gift Session

Click below to fill out the Application form after which I’ll send through a booking link for you to choose a date and time that works for you.