42 | Finding Your Best Life in Midlife, with Joshua Peck

I am delighted to bring you another super stimulating conversation this week, with Joshua Peck, the Midlife Mastery Coach.

Josh shares a very relatable story for many other high achieving parents. He spent a long time getting established in two parallel careers, settling down with his partner, buying a house and creating a lifestyle that looked successful on paper. But yet, he constantly felt short of time and guilty.

His approach to life changed very abruptly on a plane back from China after watching an Amy Winehouse documentary. Following that he reprioritised many aspects of life, starting with his career.

Now he has built a coaching practice helping others find their best life in midlife, starting with career and leading on to all round self acceptance.

You can find Josh online in the following places:
Website www.yourbestlifeuk.com
Instagram @yourbestlifeuk

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43 | Why we need to stay busy


41 | Making space for yourself in Motherhood, with Galina Singer