Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

41 | Making space for yourself in Motherhood, with Galina Singer

What an amazing conversation this is! I absolutely loved talking with Galina about all the ways we are conditioned for Motherhood before we even become a Mother. Our default mode of operation is one that is passed on to us from all of the generations of females that have gone before us. And this is what we will revert to, unless we choose to interrupt that pattern.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

40 | What are you distracting yourself from?

What I notice is that when we are busy it's much easier to ignore what is going on in our body. We get into auto pilot mode, where we're just thinking about logistics and the next thing needing done. It's a good way to distract ourselves from those deep down feelings.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

36 | Why big dreams feel scary

When I first start working with clients we begin by figuring out what her goals are. And what I often find is that mums feel stuck where they are, and either don't know at all what they want, or can only access the short term goals - the ones that are a modification of where they already are.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

35 | The need for space as a working mum

As a working mum I see space, both physical and mental, as an essential need. I notice that when I don't get it I feel grumpy and snappy and irritable and I go into martyr mode. 

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

34 | 6 lessons from 6 months in business

This week I am sharing all that I have learnt over the last 6 months of running my own business. I left a corporate job as a geophysicist after 12 years. The job had so many great benefits and ultimately gave me the foundation to do what I am doing now, but I was always looking for a deeper meaning.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

33 | Bringing holiday life to everyday life

I am recording this episode fresh off a one week campervan trip with my family. We had a fabulous week away where we experienced a brilliant selection of all of the highlights of the Scottish outdoors.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

30 | How to be more productive

There is so much emphasis put on being productive. And as a working mum it can often feel like a necessity in order to get everything done.  Then when we're not in the flow of productivity, we can feel like we're failing.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

26 | How to find more balance in your business

In this episode I share my experience of being held back in business by juggling it all. Whilst on mat leave with my first son I worked on building up my growing artisan granola company. It started off being really fun with lots of creativity.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

25 | Making friends with comparison

We all know that comparison is often very unhelpful and not something to seek out. Buthow often do you find yourself online lost in the instinctive spiral of all the reasons that you're not good enough? Not fun enough, clever enough, pretty enough?

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

22 | Money Mindset Part 1: Why talk about money?

When I first came across the concept of money mindset I didn’t really pay much attention. It didn’t seem relevant to me because I didn’t think that I was motivated by money and I earned a comfortable, stable income.

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