Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

101 | The Balancing Act is off on hols!

Through the month of August The Balancing Act Podcast is taking a break. We’ll be back and raring to go in September with an exciting new title and logo. Watch out for updates over on Instagram @debbieleeco and on here.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

100 | What to do when you reach a milestone in business (or life)

If this episode has sparked something inside of you, come tell me more! Come say hi on Instagram I love love love hearing what you think, getting your perspective on the topics I discuss here and finding out more about where you are at with your own business journey. You’re so welcome in my inbox any time @debbieleeco, or give me a tag on your own stories. 🌱

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

99 | Learning to trust the niggle

This episode I'm talking about how to trust that niggle inside so that you can act on it in a way that feels good!

If you'd like to hear more about How to create a business that you can commit to going all in on sign up to the free workshop here:

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

98 | What it means to create a you-shaped business

This week I'm talking about one of the most common challenges I see facing corporate mums building their own thing. Inevitably your day job culture spills over into your start up and the often unwritten mantra that "the whole point in business is to make money".

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

94 | How to be more productive

This week I'm bringing back one from the archives. This proved to be a super popular episode about what productivity really means to you.

Let me know what you come up with by dropping me a message on Instagram @debbieleeco

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

93 | Charging your worth

Setting and charging the price that you want in your business can be one of the most challenging aspects of getting established. In this episode I'm sharing the three most common approaches I see new business owners taking, why this is often not sustainable and what comes next when it comes to charging your worth.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

92 | The mindset of a financially viable business

I've tried many different side hustle's along the way, hoping that they would be 'the one'. But always, I ended up getting so caught up in how I was going to make it work, that I found myself stuck in a warren of busy work with a business that just didn't feel feasible.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

90 | Feel the fear and do something

We so often hear the mantra "Feel the fear and do it anyway" I just don't subscribe.When we aren't able to gauge the level of fear in our body and aren't clear on the intention behind our action, "doing it anyway" can often lead to an experience that we never want to repeat. And so we don't!

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

88 | When you're speaking into a void

When it comes to social media and just starting out, it's tough to feel like you are doing everything right and yet still not getting any response. Tune into this episode where I'm talking about:

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

87 | Feeling like you've earned it

This week I'm talking about what we need to do to feel deserving of our achievements. This can show up in both personal and business life where part of the achievement comes from the hardship along the way. And so we make things complicated, often unnecessarily so!

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

86 | Living a life of luxury

A life of luxury often isn't what we think it is.If I ask you to tune into what would feel luxurious to you right now, I suspect that you wouldn't come up with a flashy car or a bigger house. I suspect it would be something that is instantly obtainable, like quietness, calm or spaciousness.

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Debbie Lee Debbie Lee

82 | How to celebrate yourself when you're not making any progress

When life gets busy it's easy feel like the goals and intentions we took the time to set have just vaporised into thin air. When our energy and attention is scattered then we don't focus on acknowledging our progress. So even the progress we have made has fallen off our radar.

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