Why the work you do really matters
Having worked in the corporate world for 12years, I’m aware that my bonus month would have been just around the corner. 💸
Having that almost guaranteed cash injection felt good. 🙂
It was an unexpected boost that always resulted in me temporarily dismissing any niggles of uncertainty in what I was doing. 👩🏼🔬
And yet it also felt a little bit empty. 💨
I struggled to feel a tangible attachment to the money. ❣️
I didn’t usually have a ‘thing’ in mind that I wanted to spend it on.
Mostly it went to my mortgage and holidays. ✈️
Nowadays, that annual cash injection is way less guaranteed. My month to month income is a lot less predictable overall. 🎢
And yet I don’t wish that I still had that bonus. 🤔
Research shows that income is an incentive up to a point.
Beyond that level, where we can comfortably meet our family’s basic needs and afford some luxuries, income does not add to happiness or life satisfaction. 🤩
Doing work that lights you up provides wealth that is far beyond just financial wealth.
The knock on effect of doing work you love is how you show up for your kids, with your partner, friends, wider family, and most of all yourself.
If you want to hear more about, check out Episode 81 of the PODCAST where I’m talking about business as a vehicle for self expression.