Is this you?
I help ambitious, entrepreneurial mums to design and build a business that brings them purpose, without the need to sacrifice income. I love what I do. It’s my passion and what I might describe as my ‘calling’ Which means that I want to serve to the best of my ability.
I’m currently undertaking some Market Research to inform my next stage of offerings. I’ve drafted up a descriptor that includes some typical traits of the person I am best placed to help. I wonder if it is you, or someone you know?
If so, I’d love to chat. Please drop me an email at and I’ll pop you over a link to book a 30 minute research call. To say thanks, I’d love to offer you 30 minutes of free coaching in return.
Photo by Rui Silvestre on Unsplash
Is this you?
What your career looks like has always been a thing for you. Ever since you were little. You always knew that you were destined to do something purposeful and meaningful. Something that helped other people and made a difference to the world.
You’ve always recognised a niggle inside of you don’t quite understand, and yet it’s the thing that drives you forward. It’s where your business sprung from. It’s the feeling of potential that you want to fulfil.
You’re a mum of little people, and a change-maker at heart. You want to make a difference in the world. You know you’ve got what it takes, but it’s hard when sleep is broken, someone gets sick, your emotional energy is used up on yet another tantrum. Being a present mum is important to you, and you know that having your own, successful, business is part of what makes that possible for you.
You want to role model to your kids what it means to do work that matters to you. You’ve read loads of books, listened to podcasts, joined free Facebook groups, paid for online courses and followed others doing what you want to do, trying to suss out what their secret is. When you reflect on it, the amount you have squeezed in is pretty impressive amongst everything else that is going on in the whirlwind of family life! In fact, other people ask you how you do it all!
You’ve built a website, nabbed an Instagram handle, designed a logo, found brand colours you love, and started ‘putting yourself out there’. But it just doesn’t feel like all (or sometimes any) of the effort is paying off. You don’t expect an inundation of paying clients, but equally you didn’t expect it to be quite this hard. It doesn’t seem to be this way for other business owners you see, and you can’t figure out what you’re doing wrong when you’re doing all the right things.
You’re ready to connect with some others who ‘get it’ and would love to get a little clarity on even just one thing that you could be doing that feels easy and gets you some results.
Sound familiar? Drop me an email at and I’ll pop you over a link to book a 30 minute research call. To say thanks, I’d love to offer you 30 minutes of free coaching in return.