When you are starting a business with a baby that doesn’t sleep

Neither of my son’s were great sleepers as babies. 😴

We co-slept, I breastfed them both and as with all growing little people, it felt like things were constantly changing. 🥱

Gaining any semblance of routine was tough to impossible.

When nap time did come around there was always the unknown of how long it would last. 🤨

And I was tired too.

What this meant for starting a business was that I had buckets of time to think of new ideas, plan all that I wanted to do and make endless lists, but very little time to actually take action.

The time that I did have felt like short sprints of action. If my 5 year old was writing this now he’d say I put my super-charge booster pack on and got to work.

There were lots of benefits to working this way, a style I had also grown accustomed to in my pre-kids side hustle life.

But the downfall was that it was hard to be fully present to my work.

I was so caught up in ‘needing to get it done’ that I almost went into autopilot.

And I grew accustomed to this way of working that when more spaciousness in my time did finally come along it was hard to break the habit.

If this sounds like a familiar way of working for you too, tune into Episode 91 of The Balancing Act Podcast where I am talking about How to be more present in your business.

And let me know @debbieleeco, does this sound familiar to you too?


How to start a financially viable business


Feel the fear and maybe don’t do it anyway…