The inevitable inseparability of life and work

I am writing to you hopefully emerging from what has been a month of turbulent toddler health! You may very well be able to relate! 🤒 

We started off with coughs and sniffles, progressed to a tummy and rounded off with a pretty bad chest infection last week. 😞 

It has been a very good opportunity for me to take my practicing of what I preach for a thorough spin. 😆 

When I was on the verge of feeling fed up and rubbish about it allow (which I have to emphasise is totally ok!) one thing that really helped me prioritise is asking myself how I want to remember this time? 💛

Because…….I remember not so long ago with my other son a similar run of sickness. Long story short, I put him in nursery one day when I really didn’t feel good about it. I could just tell that he wasn’t in great form. 🤕 

But yet my husband was away and I’d taken so many days off work I couldn’t bear to ask my very understanding colleagues to take over yet another presentation on my behalf. 💻 

If you find yourself in this situation then I want you to know that I totally get it. It’s really tough, and I’m not aware of any workplaces that offer an ideal solution - if your does let me know! 💡 

What I do know is that now I feel way more control over my own working hours it is so much easier to handle. I can still get stuff done, and be there for cuddles and comfort.

The point of all of this is that reflecting on the last few weeks has reminded me how intertwined work and home life are, especially when kids are involved. Our choice of one really influences how we feel about the other. 👶 

In this episode of the  PODCAST I’m chatting with Josh Peck, The Midlife Mastery Coach. Josh supports midlifers in career change and more. It’s a fab chat that touches on lots of the issues faced by working parents, including the influence of work in our overall sense of well-being.


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