Does it have to be all or nothing?
You know that phrase “All or nothing”? 🙄
I think this definition from sums it up well,
Everything one desires or nothing at all. In this mindset, the only acceptable outcome is everything that a person desires (the perfect option); anything else is rejected.
This “all or nothing” mentality is definitely one that I picked up somewhere along the line. 😐
And I’m curious if you have too?
It’s what kept me feeling stuck for such a long time.
I thought that if everything wasn’t working out for me the way I hoped it would right at that instant, then I wasn’t making any progress. 😫
I couldn’t see all the ways I was growing and evolving and learning. 🌱
I couldn’t see that by following my curiosity and learning to listen to that little niggle inside me, I was actually making my ‘all’ inevitable.
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
We can choose to change a different way. A way that feels more gentle and kind. 🌿
By growing and evolving and nurturing ourselves.
Yes, it will feel scary, and yes it will involve getting outside our comfort zone.
But then, we give ourselves the chance to step back and acknowledge that.
To recognise the step we took and celebrate what it has taught us.
Maybe even to rest a little. 🛁
And then go again.
This is when change becomes sustainable. And enjoyable. And magical. ✨
What do you think? Does this feel like the sort of change you want more of in your life?