Debbie Lee

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Are you just too nice?

Many years ago now, I was sitting in a small cramped glass panelled office space, waiting for my first ever annual performance review as an eager and slightly over enthusiastic graduate. 🤓

I had equal amounts of nerves and excitement. 😬

Turns out, I had nothing to worry about because what followed was a glowing review. ☺️

I was properly chuffed. 

And then came then AND.

I was told that despite all of the obvious potential I showed, I was too nice to succeed. 🙄

Say whaaaaat?

I didn’t take it to heart, because for me there wasn’t really an alternative way of being. 💛

But it did feel slightly at odds with the “It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it” message. 🤔 

This is one of many dots that have subsequently joined up to create the path to what I do today. 

Even if I’d wanted to I’m not sure that I could have stopped being what was then described as “too nice” and what I now understand is “highly sensitive”. ✨

Something that has evolved into being one of my greatest superpowers. It shows up in my work, in my parenting, in my relationships, in my hobbies, more or less everything I do, come to think of it.

This week on the PODCAST I have an amazing conversation with Ruth Poundwhite who is a Business Coach and Mentor for highly sensitive and ambitious humans, supporting them in creating and growing a successful business that is alignment and not at odds with their personality.

We talk about Ruth being the breadwinner, ambition as a mum, financial pressures real and perceived, and lots more.