Debbie Lee

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34 | 6 lessons from 6 months in business

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34 | 6 lessons from 6 months in business

This week I am sharing all that I have learnt over the last 6 months of running my own business. I left a corporate job as a geophysicist after 12 years. The job had so many great benefits and ultimately gave me the foundation to do what I am doing now, but I was always looking for a deeper meaning. The last 6 months have blown my mind. I feel unleashed, like the sense of freedom, opportunity and possibility that I once believed in has been reignited and amplified.

The most valuable things that I have learnt are:
1. There is no magic formula
2. Business development follows personal development
3. Your environment matters
4. Happiness spills over into all areas of life
5. Wealth comes in many different forms
6. Anything is possible

Tune in to hear me talk about each of these some more, and come over to join the chat on The Balancing Act for Working Mums facebook group.

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