Debbie Lee

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15 | Do you want more?

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15 | Do you want more?

Do you recognise that nagging feeling of wanting more? You feel grateful for all you have but yet there's always this little nagging voice somewhere inside?

What if I told you that that's ok! It's ok to feel super grateful for everything you have, and truly appreciate the people, things and experiences already in your life AND also want more. Often that something more is being able to live more in line with our values that then results in more fulfilment and purpose.

In the episode I share three mindset shifts that I've found to really help in taking steps towards finding more:
- acknowledging things that are important to you
- reframing your limiting traits
- cultivating self belief

Can you relate to this feeling of wanting more? I'd love to know. Drop me a message on Instagram @debbieleeco or pop over to my website to book a complimentary 30min call.

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💛 Finally, if you know someone who would love this episode you can send them this link, that also includes the full show notes and links to listen on their favourite App

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