Bringing your intuition into business
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash
So much of traditional business wisdom is built on logic and processes and plans. While that is needed to bring structure and form to our work, I believe that we also need to tap into our intuition in order for the plans and the processes to feel right, and be a good fit for us and our way of doing things. Here’s a little more about my own experience with this.
My business started off as a little niggle inside of me.
I couldn’t put words to it and I didn’t fully understand exactly what it was telling me. But there was this persistent sense of searching, like I was peering out over the clouds not quite sure what it was I was looking for. 👀
Alongside the fullness of life and full time employment, I tried lots of different side projects and started things that didn’t go anywhere, thinking the niggle would go away, when in fact it only grew louder.
Each time I delved into something new, one of the first things I did was put together a business plan. The most accomplished one turned into a pretty hefty document with SWOT analysis, customer avatars and in depth financial projections. 📈
It was well researched and looked beautiful and definitely helped me a lot when it came to sourcing both support and funding to get things started.
Then, inevitably, things changed.
The market evolved, prices went up and down and competitors came and went.
And so the plan had to change to.
Change is inevitable in business. 🔄
The traditional approach tells us to us logic and research as the basis on which to make decisions and grow profit.
Leaving no space for intuition and what feels right.
I still like having the foundations of a plan that gives me stability and structure. But I know that if something doesn’t feel right - if it doesn’t light me up or fit with my values or feel in keeping with the ethos I hold, then I will either not follow through with it, or I’ll not see any results. ⛔️
Following my intuition has become a guiding light for me, in my work and also spilling into the rest of life. Just recently, I met up with one of my business besties, Nicole Drummond, a fellow mum and business owner to talk about how we cultivate and make use of our intuition to guide the way in both life and business.
📣 If you’d like to hear more, click below to tune into the conversation.