Regenerative Business Podcast Series Trailer


Sporadic to Sustainable

Six Week Summer Series

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To get the most out of the series, I invite you to download your free Starter Kit so that you can follow along with each episode and create a one-page framework that will serve as the regenerative action plan for your business.


Welcome to the Beyond Business Summer Podcast Series! Coming up over the next six episodes, we will be exploring a transformative approach to building a sustainable online business inspired by the cyclical patterns found in nature. Say goodbye to sporadic actions and hello to a regenerative framework that brings you meaningful and lasting results.

In this introductory episode, I share the journey that led to the creation of this series and the framework behind it. As a recovering perfectionist and a busy entrepreneur with young children, I understand the challenges of turning creative flurries into tangible results. Through personal stories and insights, I discuss how scaling down big ideas into smaller, manageable goals can lead to more consistent and fulfilling progress.

This natural, cyclical way of working not only aligns with how we see growth in nature but also provides a refreshing alternative to the relentless push for productivity in the digital world. Join me over the next six weeks as we explore this unique approach to building your online business in a way that feels good and delivers sustainable outcomes.


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00:02 - Debbie (Host)

Hello and a very warm welcome to the Beyond Business Summer Podcast Series. Over the course of six main episodes, we'll be challenging the mainstream approach to building a business online and instead creating a regenerative framework inspired by nature that takes your online business from sporadic action to sustainable results. If you would like to use the starter kit that goes along with the series, then head over to and download your copy now. That way, you can work along with the episodes week by week and, at the end, have a one-page framework that gives your business the springboard that you need to take action in a way that feels good and gets results. Hello, thank you so much for joining me in this I guess trailer episode to the series coming up Today. I wanted to give you a short and sweet introduction as to what's coming up over the next few weeks and I really hope that you'll join me and download the starter kit that I mentioned so that by the end of the summer, you will have this one-page framework that acts as your guide or your springboard to take action and get results, swapping those sporadic actions for more sustainable, feel good results. And on that note, I wanted to start with a little introduction, I guess, as to why this series came to be and, more so, why the framework behind it came to be.


Because I don't know about you, but I have really found over these last few years that I am great at coming up with ideas and making plans, but I'm not so great at sticking to them, and I imagine there's lots of reasons behind this Perfectionism. I would consider myself a recovering perfectionist, that being one thing. So, yeah, it feels scary to take action when it never quite feels good enough. There's also that, I guess, my inherent nature of a busy, entrepreneurial brain that I think in work like this can be one of our greatest assets, but also come with many challenges as well. The ideas and the light bulbs going off just never stop. And then also, I find just being a mum of young kids I tend to have even now I tend to have lots of time with my kids out in nature when I combine family life with taking care of myself and then working actually in my business day to day. And so what tends to happen is that I get these flurries of creativity but can't actually keep up with putting them all into action, and then I find myself surrounded by this melting pot of half-finished ideas, where none of them are complete, and it starts to feel like a bit of a tangled mess of spaghetti or you know those thread like when you thread a necklace and then can't get it apart, something like that. It feels knotted and stuck and the result is then the creativity just dries up.


And so for a long time, like I really this felt like such a big disadvantage to me. I really like I really felt I had to fix it somehow, and what I discovered was that actually it didn't have to be such a problem. I just had to scale things down and instead of getting this wonderful idea and like immediately reaching for the big goal, if instead I was able to give my myself a kind of rehearsal space, if it were, if you like, then I was much more likely to finish the thing like finish a much smaller version of the goal and then next time go on to improve it and repeat over and over and over again. Well, maybe not over and over, but like repeat a few times over. And in this way this cyclical way of working was born for me. But then, as I delved into it more, alongside other things that I've been learning, I started to realise that this is, in fact, a much more natural way of working. It's what we see all around us in nature, but it also goes against the grain of this hyper focus that we have on productivity and efficiency and leaner, faster, stronger, and so this cyclical approach is different and new, especially on the online world, where, in many respects, we feel quite detached from nature, I think by the very nature of working online. We're often working with machines and in this digital space, and we can tend to forget that, like as humans, we're not meant to operate as machines.


So, with that, over the course of the next six weeks, I'm going to be taking you, step by step, through my approach to building a cyclical or regenerative framework for your online business. Regener, um, I guess, to me really means that you're regenerating, um, your resources, create it, breathing new life into things and, ultimately, giving back more than, or giving back and reaping more than than you take. And what that means in practice, then, is it swaps those sporadic actions that only lead to half-baked or half-finished ideas into much more sustainable returns, sustainable results, and so, instead of putting in these big bursts of effort and then not seeing any reward for them. Instead, you're taking small steps that feel good and add up to something much bigger. So if this sounds like something you would like to jump on board with, I would love to have you along, and there'll be a new episode released every Friday.


So if you would like to be kept in the loop about that, then follow the link in the show notes to sign up to my newsletter. You can also follow me on Instagram at beyondbusinesscollective, and, like I said in the beginning, if you would also like to use the starter kit that goes along with the series, then head to and download your copy now, and that will take you through some of the ethos behind this way of working and also give you workbooks and like a practical tool that you can work through week by week, and at the end of that you will have this one page regenerative framework, that is, I like to think of it as a springboard for taking action along with this, or in alignment, let's say along with this, or in alignment, let's say, with this regenerative approach and regenerative framework. So I shall look forward to seeing you next week.


Regenerative Business Podcast Series Ep 1


Beyond Business Podcast Ep 17